Against the Poetic Avant-Garde.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Do you remember your former self
a womb

a home made of soft

distant voices?

            the first shelter for your soul
was but echoes
an inceptive night
in which you discovered
a caress left for you
long before you arrived

A gentle singing Mother
whose gaze
you could already feel
whose hands even then
were preparing
every known remedy
for solitude and desperation

and I think of them know:
How clean your hands were
How clean they are
even after they have lifted me
so many times
for so long
What a peaceful place
they have become

Her heartbeat
would call
the first name you ever had

and she kept that secret
unaccountable word
for herself
so she could
in your despair
whisper it throughout the World.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Many years from now

Many years from now
She will walk
leaving her footprints
on the beach
expecting the world
to wash away
her feet
her soul
everything she is

and think:
'I do not know
where memories begin
in the first notes
of an unknown song
played against the background
of the night'

She will listen
and hear nothing
and so believe
she has been forgotten

my words
will be written in the sand.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Desvarío con cafeína

Te tomas un café o te imaginas que lo tomas mientras sostienes una taza de café, una taza caliente asida por su asible asa. Una taza de café y el mundo te sabe un poco amargo. Como si el mundo viniese de Kenya, de Colombia o en una bolsa de plástico y tú, que tienes las posaderas bien posadas en tu silla, necesitases que la vida supiese un poco más a helado de vainilla o fresa, a postres bañados en azúcares.

Han hecho el día con un grano muy fuerte: te has despertado con posos en la boca y legañas en la cafetera. Quizás una tostada; no, no - no se te quita esa sensación de filtro por donde ha pasado demasiada agua hirviendo.

Algo pasa, algo pasa.

Ayudar a una vieja a cruzar la calle, rescatar un gato de algún árbol, comenzar una revolución, en fin, hacer algo con significado.

De pronto llega un vientecillo y tu nata mental se va volando. Te quedas, descafeinada, con una pregunta: ¿Quién será aquel que leerá el futuro de los astros en tu fondo cuando te hayan bebido por completo?

Friday, 9 July 2010

El Arte del Engaño

"A Crono le han dado Piedra por Zeus" o "Cronus and a stoned Zeus"

by Rubens-Mundaka

Saturday, 3 July 2010

A Silence

a Jo

Where were you yesterday?
Was the infinite blanket
of the Universe
wrapping you?

Was your Soul
enveloped in the clock-ticks
of the night?
of the everlasting night?